Our links


The All-Russian Collectors Portal. Many links with Russian collectors sites and other information.
Аll-Russian Forum of collectors of pocket calendars All about pocket calenders and collectors. Collections, questions, answers, exchanges of opinions. .
Society of the Collectors of Pocket Calendars of Germany. Much information about Society, links and adresses of the collectors.
The Canadian Information Site "Collection du Monde", Quebek Contains more then 500 adresses of the collectors of Canada and Europa. A lot of links and announcements of collectors uncluding collectors of pocket kalendars. Information for keyword search: keywords are: "calendrier" or "calendrier de poche".
Page for Collectors of Pocket Calendars of the Information French Collectors Site The information, announcements, the registration.
The Site of Collectors of Spain There is a lot of information including on calendars on this site.
Associations of the Collectors of Pocket Calendars of Spain Minimal information about Association.
Calendar Collector Sosiety, USA Advertising and information texts. Announcements of sale of calendars with the prices. The basic information in the closed pages only for members of a society. Paid pages.
The Czech Association of collectors of funny. Section of pocket calendars. Czech pocket calendars on themes and years.

Useful Help Sites

Сайт «Answers to the most often questions on calendars», Denmark The most original help site about calendars and chronology

The Sites and Pages of the Collectors and for the Collectors of Pocket Calendars

The Site of Alex Varguzoff. (Sankt-Peterburg State Public Library) Collection of pocet calendars “Views of Sankt-Peterburg.
The Site of Sasha Stienen-Mirskikh, the Netherlands There are some vitrual calendars and links on this sait.
Russian Spanish German
The Site of Tatjana Mitrofanova Home Page. Very interesting site. The big selection of photos of calendars since 1875 till this year. Her catalogues.
The Site of Adrew Jakunin, Petrozavodsk, Karelia Virtual exhibition of pocket calendars of Kareliya .
The Site of Alex Luchkin, Magadan This Site is devoted to Kolymaland and its capital Magadan (the most east city of Russia.). Great Gallery of Magadan calendars, distibuted on themes.On this site a magnificent selection of the pocket calendars which have been released in Magadan or under the order of the Magadan organizations, or simply devoted to Magadan. Calendars for an exchange.
The Site of Nataly Sokolova Virtual exhibition of pocket calendars of her collection. Great Gallery of calendars, distibuted on themes.
The Site of Tatjana, Saratov Very interesting site, great gallery of calendars, many articles, but Russian.
Paul Egorov's beer site The electronic catalogue of calendars on a theme "BEER"
The Site of Olga Pismennaja The most interesting on a site - the gallery of unusual calendars.
The Site of Olga The site is devoted to the pocket calendars, the dogs released by nurseries. Big and the most interesting Gallery of calendars, distributed on breeds of dogs.
The Site of Julia This site is devoted to Afghani fleets on pocket calendars.
The Site of Nicole&Joy This site is devoted to husky on pocket calendars.
The Site of Nadja Sokolova, Krasnodar Domestic site of the collector of pocket calendars
The page of Nataly The site is devoted to Shar Pei. In section "calendars" the big selection of calendars with the Shar Pei image is given.
The Site of Sergey Tichomiroff? Ljubercy This site is devoted to the railway.
The Site "Hares and rabbits" This site is devoted to hares and rabbits on pocket calendars.
The Site "Dogs", Belorussia Virtual collection of the pocket calendars devoted to dogs. Calendars are distributed on breeds of dogs.
The Site of Vladimir and Sergey Verushkin "For Children and for Parents" There are some pages of pocket calendars on this site-magazine. The pages are distributed on years and themes.
The Site of Olga This site is devoted to dogs on pocket calendars.
The Site of Helen Potvorova. The site is devoted to the movie stars of Russia. The majority of portraits are copies of pocket calendars.
The Site of Nataly Ermashova One more perfectly executed site devoted to railways.
The Site of Alex Judanoff, Nizhniy Novgorod Site of chairman of the Nizhniy Novgorod club of collectors of pocket calendars. On this site is creating the electronic catalogue of the Nizhniy Novgorod calendars.
The Site of Tatyana Volynskaja, Nizhniy Novgorod The site is the Virtual museum of a pocket calendar on the basis of Tatyana's collection. There is also an information on the Nizhniy Novgorod club.
Smolensk regional magazine " Collection " Article of L.S. " Smolensk pocket calendars ". Contains the catalogue of Smolensk calendars. .
The Site "Transport Mosaic" Page "Moscow Trams"
The Site "Transport Mosaic" Page "Russian Trams"
The Site "Kolomna Tram" A series of the pocket calendars which devoted to 55-years anniversary of the Kolomna Tram factory
The Site of Julius Urbietis, Lithuania This site represents the gallery of calendars from Julius collection and his exchange. .
The Lithuanian language
The site of the Radmila Grabe, Munich, Germany Home Page. Radmila's hobby - collection of pocket calendars.
The site of one of the known German collectors of pocket calendars Ditmar Passenheim The curious and useful information and original selection of calendars. The image of the first German pocket calendar.



The site of Dirk Kahler Calendars on themes “lotto”, “avia”, “seal”, “coca-cola”.
The site of Norbert Dorn His main themes are: "Beer", "Coffee", "Tea", "Water" and "Railway".
The site of Almudena Sanz Albert, Spain Children's site is devoted to collections of postage stamps and pocket calendars. The basic theme - cats.
The site of the Spanish collector of pocket calendars Javier Domingues “Gulliverin” His site conteins a lot of various thematic selections from the collection.
The Spanish site for collectors of pocket calendars The information site.
The site of Silvia Latre, Spain Original design of a site. Calendars are allocated on themes, however yet some themes are not filled.
The site "Stilo", Spain The page of coca-cola pocket calendars.
The site "Beer", Spain The page of beer pocket calendars.
The site of Cesar Augusto Zuluaga Restrepo, Medellin, Columbia The site conteins a lot of articles on calendar history and other information, links and adresses of collectors.
The sait of Monica Alfonso, Argentina. There are many pocket calendars of Argentina.
The sait of Nico Buenos Aires, Argentina This site contents curious information and Interesting links.
The sait of Gabriel, Argentina Usual site of the collector of pocket calendars.
The site of Christine Laffout, France There is a lot of information on a collection and calendars on this site, but. it is only text information.
The site of Didier Moreau, France Only information page
The forum " Cartes et Collections ", France The site represents some interview to the collectors of various directions. Interview to the collector of pocket calendars Francis about a collecting of pocket calendars in France with demonstrating of several calendars from his collection, including the calendar of XIX century.
The site of Maciej, Poland The home site devoted to calendars in general and his collection in particular.
The site of Irina Gasparjan, Czechia Virtual exhibition of pocket calendars of her collection. Great Gallery of calendars, distibuted on themes.

Sites of announcements

Forum of collectors of calendar cards Announcements
The Site "Sobirau" Contains basically announcements in different areas of a collecting Including on calendars.
Community of collectors of calendar cards Announcements.


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